Saturday, January 11, 2014

Searching for Others

I've been studying Paganism and Wicca for six years. I was originally "introduced" to the concept of Witchcraft through the TV show Charmed (embarrassingly enough, even though I lurrrrve that show!!). I remember being intrigued...what was this Wicca that they spoke of? After doing a Google search, I was suddenly thrust into the world of Goddesses and energies and healing information. I was hooked and haven't looked back.

I remember when I was first on the path I immediately sought out others. It was exciting, having people who thought like me out there in the world! I went to a New Age shop and sat with the owner, who was a practitioner of Hoodoo. She was really nice, but didn't have time to actually give much information. I did realize that I wasn't as interested in practicing Hoodoo as I thought.

I then graduated from college and found a Pagan group that I quickly joined. Because we were in the Midwest (the heart of it), I was the only woman of color. I learned the hard way that just because they were Pagans did not mean we would all connect. The women were all white and older and set in their ways. I frustrated them and they frustrated me, so I left the group discouraged.

I eventually moved to the West Coast and found a coven. These were (and still are) a lovely group of young women who offer tons of information, have lots of fun and are everything I wanted. Unfortunately, my schedule would not allow me to participate regularly like they required. I ended up sadly leaving from the group and not being able to become a dedicant.

By this time (almost two years ago) I was thoroughly discouraged. I had been studying witchcraft on and off for the last four years and felt I had nothing to show for it. What was worse, I couldn't find a group that I belonged to. I mourned my loss and closed my Book of Shadows, only referencing it when I was truly lost and needed guidance.

Towards the end of last year, my spirit was screaming at me. It was thirsty for knowledge and growth. I needed to open my BOS again and get back to work. I'm a spiritual person and so to have turned my back on it for so long was doing me more harm than good. I promised myself that in 2014, I would complete my Year and a Day and focus on my Craft.

I realized during the self reflection period that lasted for these past two years I didn't need a group or a coven. That I could be an effective Witch all by myself. And so I'm proud to say that I'm a solitary witchlet and I feel confident in my ability to study the Craft on my own.

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