Study Guide
This is the study guide that I will roughly use throughout my year and a day study. I’ve taken this from and am no way taking credit for creating this! Feel free to use this on your own and make sure to give credit to the above author for being generous enough to post this.
[-]Month 1: Introduction to Paganism
[-] Week 1: History
[-] The God and Goddess
[-] History of Paganism
[-] History of Witchcraft
[-] History of Wicca
[-] Week 2: Paganism as a Religion
[-] What is Deity?
[-] Spirituality vs. Religion
[-] Ethics and Morales
[-] Principles of Witchcraft
[-] Week 3:Rituals
[-] Full Moon Esbats
[-] Special Rite of Passage Ceremonies
[-] Circle Casting and Charging
[-] Week 4:Review 1
[-] Quiz 1
[-] Essay 1
[-] Journal 1
[-]Month 2: Reading Set 1: Introduction to Paganism
[-] Week 5: Aradia, Gospel of the Witches By: Charles Godfrey Leland
[-] Book Review 1
[-] Week 6: A History of Witchcraft By: Jeffrey B. Russell
[-] Book Review 2
[-] Week 7: Witchcraft Today By: Gerald B. Gardener
[-] Book Review 3
[-] Week 8: Eight Sabbats for Witches By: Stewart and Janet Farrar
[-] Book Review 4
[-]Month 3: Magick
[-] Week 9: What is Magick?
[-] Aliester Crowley’s Definition
[-] Techniques of Magick
[-] Types of Magick
[-] Week 10: Magick vs. Magic
[-] Pagans and Magick
[-] Impressionistic Magic
[-] Week 11: Tools used for Magick
[-] Alter Tools
[-] Herbs and Stones
[-] Non-Physical Tools
[-]Week 12: Review 2
[-] Quiz 2
[-] Essay 2
[-] Journal 2
[-]Month 4: Reading Set 2: Magick
[-] Week 13: The Book of Law By: Aleister Crowley
[-] Book Review 5
[-] Week 14: The Magick of Aleister Crowley By: Lon Milo DuQuette
[-] Book Review 6
[-] Week 15: Condensed Chaos By: Phil Hine
[-] Book Review 7
[-] Week 16: Modern Magick By: Donald Micheal Kraig
[-] Book Review 8
[-]Month 5: Sabbats
[-] Week 17:
[-] Mabon
[-] Samhain
[-] Yule
[-] Week 18:
[-] Imbolc
[-] Ostara
[-] Beltane
[-] Week 19:
[-] Midsummer
[-] Lughnasadh
[-] Week 20: Review 3
[-] Quiz 3
[-] Essay 3
[-] Journal 3
[-]Month 6: Reading Set 3: The Sabbats
[-] Week 21: The Sabbats By: Edain McCoy
[-] Book Review 9
[-] Week 22: Wheel of the Year By: Pauline Campinelli
[-] Book Review 10
[-] Week 23: The Wiccan Year By: Judy Ann Nock
[-] Book Review 11
[-] Week 24: Seasons of Life By: Ashleen O’Gaea
[-] Book Review 12
[-]Month 7: Tarot
[-] Week 25: Introduction to the Tarot
[-] History
[-] Popular Decks
[-] Layout Examples
[-] Week 26:The Major Arcana
[-] 1-7
[-] 22
[-] Week 27:The Minor Arcana
[-] Cups
[-] Coins
[-] Swords
[-] Wands
[-] Week 28: Review 4
[-] Quiz 4
[-] Essay 4
[-] Journal 4
[-]Month 8: Reading Set 4: Tarot
[-] Week 29: The Tarot: Robert Place
[-] Book Review 13
[-] Week 30: The Complete Guide to the Tarot By: Eden Gray
[-] Book Review 14
[-] Week 31: Tarot for Beginners By: P. Scott Hollander
[-] Book Review 15
[-] Week 32: Divination for Beginners By: Scott Cunningham
[-] Book Review 16
[-]Month 9: Divination
[-] Week 33: Runes
[-] Introduction to Runes
[-] History of the Runes
[-] Runic Alphabet
[-] Meanings
[-] Week 34: Numerology
[-] Introduction to Numerology
[-] History of Numerology
[-] Numerology Meanings
[-] Week 35: I Ching
[-] Introduction to the I Ching
[-] History of the I Ching
[-] Meanings of the I Ching
[-] Layout Examples
[-] Week 36: Review 5
[-] Quiz 5
[-] Essay 5
[-] Journal 5
[-]Month 10: Self-Study: Traditions
[-] Week 37: Taoism
[-] Internet Research
[-] Book Review 17
[-] Week 38: Druidry
[-] Internet Research
[-] Book Review 18
[-] Week 39: Thelema
[-] Internet Research
[-] Book Review 19
[-] Week 40: Asatru
[-] Internet Research
[-] Book Review 20
[-]Month 11: Self-Study: Cultural
[-] Week 41: Celtic
[-] Internet Research
[-] Book Review 21
[-] Week 42: Hinduism
[-] Internet Research
[-] Book Review 22
[-] Week 43: Egyptian
[-] Internet Research
[-] Book Review 23
[-]Week 44: Roman
[-] Internet Research
[-] Book Review 24
[-]Month 12: Craft Project
[-] Week 45: Earth
[-] Design It
[-] Gather It
[-] Put It Together
[-] Week 46: Air
[-] Design It
[-] Gather It
[-] Put It Together
[-]Week 47: Fire
[-] Design It
[-] Gather It
[-] Put It Together
[-] Week 48: Water
[-] Design It
[-] Gather It
[-] Put It Together
[-]Month 13: Finals
[-] Week 49: Challenge Week
[-] Plan It
[-] Do it
[-] Week 50: Review and Re-examine
[-] Review Book Of Shadows and Journals
[-] Week 51: Review and Re-examine
[-] Review Quizzes and Essays
[-] Week 52: Initiation
[-] Initiation Planning
[-] Ritual Garb
[-] The Ritual Place
[-] Ritual Writing
[-] Ritual Day
[-] Prepare the Body and Sacred Space
[-] The Initiation Ritual
[-] “Cakes and Ale”
[-] Relax and Have Fun
Reading List
- Adler, Margot: Drawing Down the Moon
- Sabin, Thea: Wicca for Beginners
- Starhawk: The Spiral Dance
- Paganism: An Introduction to Earth- Centered Religions
- Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth.
- To Ride A Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft
- To Stir a Magick Cauldron: A Witch’s Guide to Casting and Conjuring (RavenWolf To Series)
- Powers of the Orishas: Santeria and the Worship of Saints
- The Way of Orisa: Empowering Your Life Through the Ancient African Religion of Ifa by Philip John Neimark
- Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise (Llewellyn’s Practical Magick Series) by Scott Cunningham
- Papa Jim’s Herbal Magic Workbook by Original Publications Spiritual Books & Supplies
- The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Goddess: 20th Anniversary Edition
- Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic: A Materia Magica of African-American Conjure by Catherine Yronwode
- Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo & Conjuring with Herbs by Stephanie Rose Bird
- Rootwork: Using the Folk Magick of Black America for Love, Money and Success by Tayannah Lee McQuillar
- Aradia, Gospel of the Witches By: Charles Godfrey Leland
- A History of Witchcraft By: Jeffrey B. Russell
- Witchcraft Today By: Gerald B. Gardener
- Eight Sabbats for Witches By: Stewart and Janet Farrar
- The Book of Law By: Aleister Crowley
- The Magick of Aleister Crowley By: Lon Milo DuQuette
- Condensed Chaos By: Phil Hine
- Modern Magick By: Donald Micheal Kraig
- The Sabbats By: Edain McCoy
- Wheel of the Year By: Pauline Campinelli
- The Wiccan Year By: Judy Ann Nock
- Seasons of Life By: Ashleen O’Gaea
- The Complete Guide to the Tarot By: Eden Gray
- Tarot for Beginners By: P. Scott Hollander
- Divination for Beginners By: Scott Cunningham
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