Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 2- Reverence

This is totally weird, but:

Last night I did my moon visualization and immediately thought of the feminine energy filling me up. I could image the soft rays entering me with each breath I took, regulating my menstrual cycle, flowing through my blood, giving me life. I thought about my trying to get pregnant and the moonlight  seemed to flow through my womb, healing what needed to be healed so that I can conceive. It was like soft, velvety hands caressing me over and over again. When I opened my eyes, my hands were resting on my stomach gently, as though I was already expecting a child.

Throughout the night, my dreams were sexual. I dreamed that I was irresistible to men and that they had to have me. I was hesitant (some of these men were married to other women), but I felt the powerful sexual pull as well. In the end, one particular man and I caved to the power of the moon flow of sexual energy and it was amazing.

Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm going to go out and have an orgy. :)

But it was wild to see how the Goddess' sexual energy was present in my dreams after I opened up myself to her. It was...intoxicating. I can see why we love this energy. 

This morning, after visualizing the sun giving me energy and strength, I pulled a rune to see what was in store for me today:

I opened my book of shadows and found Ansuz, which means "Call" or "Law" and read:

A revealing message or insight, communication. Signals, inspiration, enthusiasm, change of place or settings. Blessings, the taking of advice. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom.

I couldn't believe it. I had a revealing message in my dream, communication with the Goddess herself. She revealed her wisdom as she flowed her energy through me, reminding me that she is here and with me. She mentioned my trying to conceive with my husband and touched my womb. The thought occurred that for the last two days he's been trying to make love to me (I haven't been in the mood) and that maybe now is the time to try. I checked an online almanac and see that the moon is currently in Waxing phase. I reference my BOS again and read:

The waxing Moon is the best time to do a spell for growth, beginning new projects, initiation and enhancement. 

I bounced out of the bed this morning feeling energized and ready to take on the world and more importantly, my life.

This rune was dead on.

I felt like weeping in joy but can only bow my head in reverence.

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